Comparing the old school zerg arial unit, the devastating suicidal unit "Scourge". Do you remember how this airial unit destroy a pack of carrier's hovering you main base hives and nest, swarming your overlords and drones. the Scourge is one of the most important backup unit for destruction and devastation tactics. The only cons for this unit is, it only for air. Looking to the future sight of starcraft 2 units, Scourge once powerful unit is not been replace with creepy rolling unlikely creature baneling. This baneling is an acid containing suicidal unit of zergs. Baneling is an extremely highly dangerous acid creature that cannot barely walk but rolls only for movement. The Baneling has one mission in life, if Baneling sense a presense of unknown it just explode itself and inflict a huge amount of acid damage to specific range of target. Baneling are so called "living bombs" or "bomb tracks", they can easily ripe off a dozen of infantry with just one delivery. Stories said that Baneling was created for its sole mission in life, to destroy everything. As of the moment, High level Terran Commanders have no idea on how to counter attack this kind of ultimate suicidal creature.
How to play Terran in Starcraft 2
In this starcraft 2 guide, you will learn how to play Terran Units and its abilities, special weapons like secondary new terrain skills. Most Terran building is capable of flying, one of the most important building for terran is the tech lab because it doubles the unit. Watch the video for more info! See how useful is the Sensor Tower than can be also a radar tower, battle cruiser has a new weapon plasma ray, AOE attack for ground units. Battle cruiser is one of the most powerful unit of Terran which can dominate either air or ground. But not now, Terran has counter attack for powerful air units, Viking is the new mini battle cruiser, it has 2 rocket blasters that can take down air unit in a instance. Viking is also can be a ground unit as their new ability of attacking ground units as they transform to a ground unit Viking. Watch this video for more information. This guide will be update soon as we continue to discover how to play starcraft 2 game guide. This Starcraft 2 guide talks about how to play Terran and its units most likely Marine, Reaper, Ghost, Viking, AH/G-24 Banshee, Thor, Battlecruiser, TF-620 Nomad, Crucio Siege Tank, Command Center, Sensor Tower, see how powerful they are in the battle feilds.
StarCraft II Zerg Reveal Trailer
See how zerg colony evolve for a better army of swarming the whole protoss empire and terrain army. Zergs are more devastating, faster, powerful and how did they obtain their true power and kill all opposing enemies. StarCraft II Zerg Reveal Trailer has a lot of videos that reveals all zergs true power.
Hydralisk, Best Zerg Ultimate Unit Battle
Have you ever played starcraft, since it will be release soon by October 2008 which is officially leaked in, you will need how to play it again. Playing Zerg in Starcraft 2 requires you to have fast moves, fast build up, fast spawning those zerglings for quick attack and fast evolving units to the most ultimate battle type unit Hydralisk. This is one of the best strategy game play for zergs to have massive amount of units even they die so easily because they don't have any armors at early stage but once you have tons of Hydralisk, You will will the game instantly. You must watch this Starcraft 2 Hydralisk Video on how they attack and win the game
Mutalisk. Starcraft 2 Zerg Air Attack
Zergs are known for fast spawn, fast attacking opponents, fast killer in game. Zergs primary attack is zergings, low health, fast walker but reliable during fast build attack. Secondary wave are Hydralisks but the finishing wave is the Mutalisk attack with Lurkers. See how they destroy and being destroy but see how they spawn so fast.
How did i make starcraft 2 banner logo
Starcraft 2 Release Date on October 2008
After 6 months of waiting for the official release of starcraft 2, everybody is been looking blogging on starcraft 2 official release but no one knows the exact date of release. I'm a big fan of starcraft in my entire life, never played a game like starcraft. Yesterday, i've talk to my friend who is a starcraft addict also and he said that demo is on torrent right now. Luckily, after searching in google, i found out that starcraft 2 will be release on October 1, 2008. This release is not just a demo play but the full package of starcraft 2, with videos, starcraft 2 movies, star craft 2 heroes, star craft 2 units and many more.
Jim Raynor Starcraft 2 Terran Hero
Jim Raynor, a Confederate marshal of Terran Unit Forces. He is the Terran Hero that will lead the team to defeat evil Zergs.